Now Showing at Local Venues displays a slideshow of upcoming events w/ photos & details for any location. Just type in your location and show events based on keyword, radius, date, category, popularity and/or relevancy.
ئېكران كەسمىسى
- Activate the plugin through the ›Plugins‹ menu in WordPress
- Use the plugin’s shortcode [nearby-events] in the content of your pages and posts or in a Text widget in your theme’s sidebars. The shortcode will use all defaults specified on the Now Showing at Local Venues Settings Page, unless further parameters are passed through the shortcode, such as [nearby-events location=»Las Vegas» sort=»popularity» visible=»1″] or any other combination of fields described on the settings page.
- What is this for?
To show upcoming events at nearby venues.
بۇ قىستۇرمىغا تېخى باھا يېزىلمىدى.
تۆھپىكار ۋە ئىجادكار
«Now Showing at Local Venues – Nearby Upcoming Events» كودى ئوچۇق يۇمشاق دېتال. تۆۋەندىكى كىشىلەر بۇ قىستۇرمىغا تۆھپە قوشقان.
تۆھپىكار«Now Showing at Local Venues – Nearby Upcoming Events» نى تىلىڭىزغا تەرجىمە قىلىڭ
ئىجادىيەتكە قىزىقامسىز؟
كودقا كۆز يۈگۈرتۈپ، SVN خەزىنە تەكشۈرۈپ ياكى RSSئارقىلىق ئىجادىيەت خاتىرىسىگە مۇشتەرى بولغىلى بولىدۇ.
ئۆزگىرىش خاتىرىسى
- Released.
- Created.