قىستۇرما بەلگىسى:: archive
Image Archives
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Image Archives is a wordpress plugin that displays images from your published posts with a permalink back to the post that the image is connected to.
eHive Objects Image Grid
(1 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)A plugin that enabled you to embed a grid of images from eHive on your site.
Smart Category Ordering
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Allows you to alphabetize categories by post title, by trimming leading text, by post date.
Site Traffic Trend
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Adds rankarchive.com trend to the Dashboard for current domain.
Just One Category
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)On a category's archive page, displays only the posts directly in that category, not in any sub-categories.
Nix Prefix
(2 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)A super-simple plugin to remove the "Category:" prefix text on archive page titles.
WP Archive Plugin
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Provides a quick and easy WordPress blog archive page using a shortcode. Compatible with Gutenburg.
eHive Objects Gallery widget
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)A widget plugin that displays a gallery of objects arranged by category.
Mooberry Show Latest Posts
(1 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Show latest blog posts on the static front page. Customize number of posts and display orientation.
jPress Archive
(1 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Manual archive features for all your post types using post status features, also with a widget and purge features.
CPK Ultimate Archives
(2 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)An improved version of the default WP Archives widget that allows complex filtering.
Nofollow Home Internal Links
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Home page internal links always take too much pagerank away from homepage.If you want to increase Google PageRank for your website Home page,try using …
eHive Search widget
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)A widget plugin that provides access to eHive Search from a widget.
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)A fully-customizable yet light-weight and intuitive archiving plugin. Its features include custom post type support, optional javascript enhancement, …
eHive Account Details
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)A plugin that allows you to display a public profile page for an eHive account.
eHive Objects Tag Cloud
(0 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)A plugin that allows you to embed a cloud of popular eHive tags on your website.
Adjacent Archive Links
(2 ئومۇمىي دەرىجە)Adds two new template tags to output previous and next links on date archive pages.