Adds some meta-data to posts to convert them into full calendar events.
Each event can be exported into ical(.ics), outlook(vcs), or Google Calendar.
Geolocation works thanks to openstreetmap.
It can also fetch the weather, but doesn’t bring the sun 🙂
Follow @wpeventpost on Twitter for latest news.
Examples on event-post.com
Post metas
Date attributes
- Begin Date
- End Date
- رەڭ
- Event Status
- Event Attendance Mode
Location attributes
- ئادرېس
- GPS coordinates
- Event Virtual Location
WooCommerce compliant
You can enable event features on Woocommerce products. The event will be displayed on the product page. Moreover, the product price will be displayed in event list, calendar, map and timeline.
This, way, you can sell tickets for your events, effortlessly and without any additional plugin.
Weather attribute (for a given location and date if possible)
- Weather
- Temperature
- Weather
Plugins/themes developpers documentation
Blocks & Shortcodes
The plugin comes with several blocks/shortcodes which allows to:
: display a list of events[events_map]
: display a map of events[events_cal]
: display a calendar of events[event_details]
: display a detail of the current event[event_term]
: display the date range of a given term based on all events it contains
Query parameters
- nb=5 (number of post, -1 is all, default: 5)
- future=1 (boolean, retrieve, or not, events in the future, default = 1)
- past=0 (boolean, retrieve, or not, events in the past, default = 0)
- cat=» (string, select posts only from the selected category, default=null, for all categories)
- tag=» (string, select posts only from the selected tag, default=null, for all tags)
- tax_name=» (string, custom taxonomy name)
- tax_term=» (string, the term for above taxonomy)
- geo=0 (boolean, retreives or not, only events which have geolocation informations, default=0)
- order=»ASC» (string (can be «ASC» or «DESC»)
- orderby=»meta_value» (string (if set to «meta_value» events are sorted by event date, possible values are native posts fields : «post_title»,»post_date» etc…)
Display parameters
- thumbnail=» (Bool, default:false, used to display posts thumbnails)
- thumbnail_size=» (String, default:»thmbnail», can be set to any existing size : «medium»,»large»,»full» etc…)
- excerpt=» (Bool, default:false, used to display posts excerpts)
- style=» (String, add some inline CSS to the list wrapper)
- type=»div» (string, possible values are : div, ul, ol default=div)
- title=» (string, hidden if no events is found)
- before_title='<h3>‹ (string (default <h3>)
- after_title='</h3>‹ (string (default </h3>)
- container_schema=» (string html schema to display list)
- item_schema=» (string html schema to display item)
<!-- wp:eventpost/list {"nb":10,"future":true,"past":true,"thumbnail":false,"excerpt":false,"pages":true} /-->
[events_list future=1 past=1 cat="actuality" nb=10]
container_schema default value:
<%type% class=»event_loop %id% %class%» id=»%listid%» style=»%style%» %attributes%>
item_schema default value:
<%child% class=»event_item %class%» data-color=»%color%»>
<a href=»%event_link%»>
- nb=5 (number of post, -1 is all, default: 5)
- future=1 (boolean, retreive, or not, events in the future, default = 1)
- past=0 (boolean, retreive, or not, events in the past, default = 0)
- cat=» (string, select posts only from the selected category, default=null, for all categories)
- tag=» (string, select posts only from the selected tag, default=null, for all tags)
- tax_name=» (string, custom taxonomy name)
- tax_term=» (string, the term for above taxonomy)
- tile=» (string (default@osm.org, OpenCycleMap, mapquest, osmfr, 2u, satelite, toner), sets the map background, default=default@osm.org)
- title=» (string (default)
- zoom=» (number or empty (default, means fit to points)
- before_title='<h3>‹; (string (default <h3>)
- after_title='</h3>‹ *(string (default </h3>)**
- thumbnail=» * (Bool, default:false, used to display posts thumbnails)*
- excerpt=» (Bool, default:false, used to display posts excerpts)
- list=» (String («false», «above», «below», «right», «left») default: «false», Display a list of posts)
<!-- wp:eventpost/map {"nb":-1,"future":true,"past":true,"tile":"toner","list":"below","map_position":false,"disable_mousewheelzoom":true} /-->
[events_map future=1 past=1 cat="actuality" nb="-1"]
- cat=» (string, select posts only from the selected category, default=null, for all categories)
- date=» (string, date for a month. Absolutly : 2013-9 or relatively : -1 month, default is empty, current month
- datepicker=1 (boolean, displays or not a date picker)
- mondayfirst=0 (boolean, weeks start on monday, default is 0 (sunday)
- display_title=0 (boolean, displays or not events title under the day number)
- tax_name=» (string, custom taxonomy name)
- tax_term=» (string, the term for above taxonomy)
<!-- wp:eventpost/calendar {"date":"-2 months","color":true,"display_title":true,"mondayfirst":"1","choose":false} /-->
[events_cal cat="actuality" date="-2 months" mondayfirst=1 display_title=1]
attribute string (date, start, end, address, location). The default value is NULL and displays the full event bar
[event_details attribute=»address»]
- eventpost_add_custom_box_position
- event_post_class_calendar_link
- eventpost_columns_head
- eventpost_contentbar
- eventpost_default_list_shema
- eventpost_get
- eventpost_get_items
- eventpost_get_post_types
- eventpost_get_single
- eventpost_getsettings
- eventpost_item_scheme_entities
- eventpost_item_scheme_values
- eventpost_list_shema
- eventpost_listevents
- eventpost_maps
- eventpost_multisite_get
- eventpost_multisite_blogids
- eventpost_params
- eventpost_printdate
- eventpost_printlocation
- eventpost_bulk_edit_fields
- eventpost_quick_edit_fields
- eventpost_retreive
- event-post-rich-result
- eventpost_shortcode_slug
- evenpost_init
- eventpost_add_custom_box
- eventpost_custom_box_date
- eventpost_custom_box_loc
- after_eventpost_generator
- eventpost_getsettings
- eventpost_settings_form
- eventpost_after_settings_form
ئېكران كەسمىسى
بۇ قىستۇرما 5 بۆلەك تەمىنلەيدۇ.
- Events Details Details of an event
- Events Timeline
- Events List List of events
- Events Calendar Calendar of events
- Events Map Map of events
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ›Plugins‹ menu in WordPress admin
- You can edit defaults settings in Settings > Event post
How can I report security bugs?
You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.
Is the plugin free ?
Yes, and it uses only open-sources : openstreetmap, openlayer, jquery
How do I enable weather feature ?
Weather feature uses openweathermap.org api.
You have to create an account and generate an API key at http://openweathermap.org/price
I have no interest in openweathermap.org, I personally use the free plan.
Is there any limitation for the weather feature ?
Openweathermap.org provides a free plan limited to 60 requests per minute.
You can also subscribe to paid plan, I don’t care.
تۆھپىكار ۋە ئىجادكار
«Event post» كودى ئوچۇق يۇمشاق دېتال. تۆۋەندىكى كىشىلەر بۇ قىستۇرمىغا تۆھپە قوشقان.
تۆھپىكار«Event post» 9 تىلغا تەرجىمە قىلىنغان. تەرجىمانلارنىڭ تۆھپىسى ئۈچۈن رەھمەت.
«Event post» نى تىلىڭىزغا تەرجىمە قىلىڭ
ئىجادىيەتكە قىزىقامسىز؟
كودقا كۆز يۈگۈرتۈپ، SVN خەزىنە تەكشۈرۈپ ياكى RSSئارقىلىق ئىجادىيەت خاتىرىسىگە مۇشتەرى بولغىلى بولىدۇ.
ئۆزگىرىش خاتىرىسى
- Security: Fix Cross Site Scripting, reported by Peter Thaleikis
- Security: Fix vulnerability to XSS in
shortcode (reported by Peter Thaleikis) - Ensure that date is well formated in
- Security: Fix vulnerability to local file inclusion
- Fixed a bug that display html as string in event calendar blocks
- Fixed javascript warning in event map block
- Fix authenticated (Contributor+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting via shortcode
- Uses bulk_edit_posts hook, fixes lack of verification in bulk edit
- Escape some outputs
- Fix missing jQuery dependency in timeline-block
- Deindex inexisting «Event-post front» and «Event-post admin» blocks
- Add main global EventPost object for JS variables
- Allows to skip deprecation error
- Adds instructions for translators
- Limit number of tags in plugin README
Now requires WordPress 6.3
- Fix quick edit fields
- Fix call of Wp_Query in EventPost\Children
- Fix display of hours in timepicker for AM/PM format
- Fix saving of timeline schemas settings
- Use wp_json_encode instead of json_encode
- Use rawurlencode instead of urlencode
- Adds instructions for translators
- Fix doing_it_wrong calls in legacy widgets
- Escape HTML & outputs
- Fixes XSS vuln in event metadata (https://patchstack.com/database/report-preview/8edeb59a-59e6-42aa-8ed4-5f79cdedf820)
- Adds «Completed» event status
- Refactor source of blocks with wordpress-scripts
- Improves WordPress’s PHPCS compliance
- Fix deprecated gmt_offset
- Mark legacy widgets as deprecated
- Fix warnings in PHP8+
- Fix December month on native datepicker
- Dissociate event description from post excerpt
- Remove double line breaks and   in description